In the process of creating this game, we were presented with a project and tasked with a comprehensive analysis to deeply comprehend its mechanics and structure. Subsequently, we undertook the challenge of enhancing the game by introducing a novel mechanic to its data-driven tile-based core. This strategic addition showcased our proficiency in game design and implementation.

Moreover, a pivotal aspect of this assignment involved incorporating a fellow student's unique mechanic seamlessly into the project. This collaborative endeavor not only demonstrated our adaptability but also highlighted our capability to work as a cohesive team within a dynamic development environment.

Through this project, we've exhibited our adeptness in Unreal Engine, our capacity to innovate within established structures, and our ability to work collaboratively to create engaging and captivating gameplay experiences.

Code Explanation: Initial Mechanic

Code Explanation: Peer Mechanic Implementation

Key Software Utilized:

Unreal Engine 4

Perforce version control system

Trello project management tool


What Went Right

What Went Wrong

  • Different Perspective – I was able to implement multiple perspectives which allowed for the creation of perspective-based puzzles.

  • Creativity – I wanted to keep the mechanic simple and not overly complicated. The mechanic I implemented was limited tiles this let the player not walk backward.

  • Lighting – The lighting was changed so it would be consistent throughout all the different cameras making it feel if the camera moved

  • Original mechanic – The original idea was at first difficult to implement but once I figured it out I was able to easily build on top of it.

  • Peer mechanic – I implemented Sergio Gomez’s auto move block. Once the platform goes over the tile it sets it to blue letting the player know they are able to walk on it again.

  • Original Design – The original idea for this game was to have a rotating platform when a certain tile is stepped on but unfortunately the scope of the mechanic was too big

  • Checking Neighbor Tiles – For my mechanic, I had a little tough time with understand how the get the tile to check if other tiles were enterable or not but once I figured it out I was able to implement it into my mechanic​

  • Peer Mechanic – During the implementation of another mechanic I had a little tough time getting the platform to move but after speaking with Sergio I was able to figure out the problem

  • Entering – I had a problem where the tile would detect a can’t enter tile and it would play the reset widget. This was fixed after adding a break for each loop