Lost Beacon
Lost Beacon - Game Trailer
Unreal Engine 4.27
Technical Designer
Modular Cutscene System
Journal System
Collectable System
Modular Cutscene System
Event Clear Subtitles
Designers can use this function to remove displayed dialogue.
Event Show Next Text
Outputs a boolean (First Line) and a Data Table (Narration List). Using the Data Table, it retrieves the Row Names and compares the length with the Current Row.
Branch True (previous image)
After completing the dialogue, the system verifies if it's a new game. If it is, the cutscene widget is removed, and LVL_Base is loaded, ensuring a smooth transition in the game's progression.
Branch False (first image)
If the First Line variable outputted from the event is true, a widget is generated, its variable is stored, and it's displayed on the screen, if not it skips this step.
After Add to Viewport (code above)
The system utilizes the current row to determine the corresponding row name. This name is used to access the row's data, which is then broken down into individual variable within the structure. These variables are Text to Show, Image to Show, and Narration Sound. By using the widget variable, the "Display Text" function is called and supplied with the Text to Show value. To update the image, the widget's dynamic texture is set to Image to Show, and the narration sound is played. Lastly, the current row is incremented by one to proceed to the next row.
Journal System
Function Check Pages
For page one the back button is set to hidden and next button is visible while on page two the back button is set to visible while the next page button is hidden. Then it Set Items and runs the Journal System.
Set Defaults
The system run through a For Loop starting at 0 till 5. For each index it sets the corresponding button to hidden so the player cannot access it
Set Items
The system than switch according to the page index to set the text accordingly from the array provided.
Journal System
The system than cast to the game instance and does a For Each Loop on the collected objects. The collected objects are any object the player has collected while playing the game. From there it runs 2 conditional checks. If Page Index is equal to 0 AND Array Element is less than Page Limit if true it set the visibility to true according to the array element.
Journal System Continued
If false, it runs through 2 more conditionals. If the Page Index equals 1 AND Array Element is greater than or equal to Page Limit if true shows the array element - the page limit.